Our Core Values

Our Core Values

Listen to Podcast Episode #22 of the Prescription Podcast to hear more.

The root of who you are is defined by what you value. The values at LRX run deep, and not only are these values a standard we hold ourselves to as a company, they are standards we call our community to action to carry out just as much. We call our Core Values The Prescription for Life, and we have seven of them:

  1. Balance - Find Balance in the Way You Train, Live & Rest.
  2. Purpose - Live Your Life with Purpose.
  3. Community - Build a Growing Community.
  4. Pursuit - The Constant Pursuit of Progress.
  5. Service - Service to Others, Be Light.
  6. Resilience - Get Knocked Down, Get Back Up.
  7. Humility - Others First, Me Second

Each value has a specific meaning and a reason for why it was chosen - listen to LRX, CEO & Founder discuss our core values in the Prescription Podcast Episode #22 - Rebuilding LRX Core Values.

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1 comment

  • Core values are super!

    Ken Kantura on

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